slang for boobs, stupid right?
“bro she has some nice boobers”
stop it JUSTIN im her boyfriend.”
sorry dude..”
by dr4g0nfl13s May 22, 2021
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Refers to a woman from Pittsburgh who could miraculously obtain strength from her large breasts. Known for her softball play as well as ability to drink most men under the table. Myth has it that she can store toxins from booze in her breasts to keep from the hangovers.
Let’s go Boobers! What?....isn’t that whyat they call ya?
by Slapnuts McGee December 13, 2018
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Guy: Bros guess what I just did
Guy’s Friends: What bro
Guy: I played with some boobers!
Guy’s Friends: *gives high five* Whoa bro!
by Chatzilla28 November 28, 2019
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"I was getting a boober john from that hoe with no teeth"
by IJR_SER November 7, 2007
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A man or woman who puts their bra on two boobs at a time.
I know Tina puts her bra on one boob at a time, but I'm a two-boober, myself.
by crashintosara March 25, 2017
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Someone who likes the way boobs look.
You only like her for her boobs. You’re just a pro boober
by The official boobist November 7, 2023
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A kid who eats a lot of burgers and is a fan boy of a potpvp youtuber (Ziblackinggg) and is also Russian :D
othod (Boobers guy)
by KaitosoXDXDXDXD April 21, 2021
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