Talking about something complicated in a way that enlightens others.

Confusing people of lower intelligence by explaining things that are beyond their comprehension.

(British slang.) Noggin' = head/brain
Tow people talking (both high)
Chap #1: ...and that's why the singularity will lead to an uncontrollable rate of human development and the end of society as we know it.
Chap # 2: I've gotta leave this convo, man. You're dancin' all over my noggin'!
CHap #3: Sorry brah! Didn't mean to go break-dancin' all over your noggin' there. under breath Dumb fuck...
by Waxis Baksakencrack February 26, 2019
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someones all up in your business, trying to tell you how to do things
you should do it like this
-How you go'n to be all up in my shit!?
by D!CK January 24, 2004
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An officious intrusion (commonly verbal)
"Why don't you do this that way."
-"Dude, you're all up in my shit"
by Matt Lewis December 8, 2003
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it means sorta like mind ya business. as in stop buggin me. u can use it 2 scold gossipers too. used w/ all up in my business
jen: so what did u & him do last night huh?
tia: geez, all up in ma business all up in ma grill!
by PinHeard March 9, 2004
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Like "putting all your eggs in one basket", but referring to when all of the Polish Royalty crashed in the plane accident.
To risk losing everything by putting all your efforts or all your money into one plan or one course of action.
"Man! I just lost all my money on one roulette roll!"

Wow, you were really putting all of your Poles in one plane on that one.
by CoOpmeister June 21, 2010
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being extremely emotionally. others may think you are being emotionally for no reason or overreacting to a situation. constant complaining
mom: you always leave the door open, leave your shoes by the door and i'm sick of it. you are so ungrateful me" stop being all up in your feelings
by MamaDramaNawh January 5, 2014
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butting in business that doesn't involve u
And my mom was like all up in my shit last night on why i got home so late
by a person December 13, 2003
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