An individual, typically on an online forum, who uses buzzwords to try to make an argument instead of providing proper evidence and research that backups or strengthens their points.
Typically used as a means to lash out at people they disagree with, and see as a threat trying to ruin their sense of enjoyment.
Commenter 1: "Huh, the scene at the beginning of the movies comes off as a bit sexist. I wonder if the director was aware of this."

Commenter 2: "Yeah, it does seems a little sexist. Though I'll admit it's doesn't look intentional. I think the director just didn't catch it. I think the writer is probably more at fault."

Buzzword Warrior: "Oh shut the fuck up! Yet more SJWs trying to push their feminazi propaganda!"
by Grunt_Man11 March 27, 2015
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