A hick town 20km east of Mission, BC.
When one enters Deroche, the individual almost always succums to "Deroche Blindness." A scenario in which said individual has an extremly difficult time leaving Deroche due to being surrounded by farmland and not knowing which way to head.
I wanted some of that "world famous" jerky so I risked it and headed out to Deroche.
by King6 August 1, 2010
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Forcibly initiating anal sex through the act of holding a gun to ones head
Hey give me those fireworks back before I deroche ya!
Woah that b*tch sure could use a deroching
by Anon9u78 October 23, 2019
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A swift unexpected backhanded slap or hit to the testicles or groin area. Could also mean a punch or hit to the balls.
1. "Dude you just got deroched hard by that donkey!"

2. "Knock it off or I am going to deroche you into next tuesday."
by maineac8 March 27, 2015
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Ethan Derocher is a term for acting like a gang member when living in a million dollar mansion. Ethan Derocher also means claiming you live in Chicago to seem cool to your friends and pretend your in a gang, but in reality you don’t know a gun besides in fortnite.
Wow dude that’s an amazing house, too bad there’s an Ethan Derocher that lives there.
by Dennis Derocher September 21, 2020
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