The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight” is a catchphrase that was created for Redditors to identify themselves in public places. It is used in fanart, rage comics, and is often referenced as an inside joke in Reddit threads.
Tom: How about "the narwhal bacons at midnight" Jim
Jim: What the fuck are you talking about?
Tom: Jim Aren't you CX4u069 from /r/sex
Jim: WTF TOM!? you sick mother fu!
Tom: hey heyy heyy waitt it's not..wha..
Jim: hahaha yeah I'm CX4u069..just messing with ya.
by ADanteM September 18, 2013
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A phrase created on used to distinguish redditors from people with actual lives.
The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight test:
Person 1-"When does the Narwhal bacon?"
Person 2-"At midnight!"
Person 3-"I wish you two had dignity..."
by HerpDerpington1234 July 14, 2011
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a meme originating from Reddit. has no defined meaning apart from trying to make you sound cool
by chaosbeast August 21, 2010
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It is a sentence used to identify users on a popular blogging site. The proper response would be: At midnight.
You: When does the narwhal bacon?

Jim: At midnight
by Jcoolnades October 19, 2011
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a sexual position in which you put the female on her next, puke in her vagina, then plug it in.
Tim: What's wrong?
Jill: Oh nothing... I just got bacon narwhaled....
by Taylen Spicer October 17, 2013
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