To act petty, childish, or immature; to act in such a matter as to end friendships on a whim, with the inevitable result of socially isolating oneself.
Sitting at a dinner table with a group of friends, one friend (named Ken, perhaps) refuses to talk with his former good friend, (Simon, for example). You say, "Ken, quit being so damned kylish and talk to Simon!"
by Anonymous Penn Stater September 3, 2006
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Someone who is Jeremy Kylish is:
A person who has either been a guest on the Jeremy Kyle Show*, or looks as though they should.

*A TV show on ITV
Emma: Woah, look at that lady, Jeremy Kylish much?
Bernice: Lol! Her hair looks like it hasn't been washed for a month, gawwg!
by Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma December 29, 2007
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A language used over text when everything is spelt wrong and the letters are messed up. Bad grammar as well, has to repeat what they say five times before getting it right. Only true friends have the patience to put up with it. Means well though, uses lots of emojis and "lol"s.
I am soeaking kylish rijght noe. Here is an excanple
by crackheadbasicbaddie June 14, 2021
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