when your dad falls in love with a male actor
dad: adam levine is such a great actor in “when we first met”

mom: stop manfanning
by lv42daze February 10, 2018
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A person who is obsessed with other people, and live their whole life based on jealousy and judging others. Abbreviated to "mf".
"Just stunt on these manfans"
by hedobekindafreshdoe February 11, 2023
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Man-manfanning, not to be confused with woman-manfanning, is when a man twerks on another man's dick while spreading his asshole to approximately 8 inches in diameter. (Penetration is optional.)
Phillip Theodore II and Aydyen were totally man-manfanning each other the other night.......fags.
by dingusmcstinkus03 September 27, 2022
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