3 definitions by zzzzzzzzzzzlyer

(n.) A person (usually a less well-known or idle celebrity) who actively seeks the attention of the media by participating in stunts that generate (negative) attention. This is done in many ways, including messy divorces/remarriages, lousy behavior at social events, breaking the law, partying like its going out of style, and so on.

In short, they whore themselves to the media.
Publicity Hounds include:
Paris Hilton
Lindsey Lohan
Tiffany Pollard
The mother of the boy who sued Michael Jackson
by zzzzzzzzzzzlyer July 7, 2010
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(n.) A person (usually a less well-known or idle celebrity) who actively seeks the attention of the media by participating in stunts that generate (negative) attention. This is done in many ways, including messy divorces/remarriages, lousy behavior at social events, breaking the law, partying like its going out of style, and so on.

In short, they whore themselves to the media.
Publicity Hounds include:
Paris Hilton
Lindsey Lohan
Tiffany Pollard
The mother of the boy who sued Michael Jackson
by zzzzzzzzzzzlyer July 7, 2010
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(n). Someone who whores themselves out to the media for the purpose of getting famous.
A less proper and more accurate term for a publicity hound
Paris Hilton. Figuratively and literally, a fame ho.
by zzzzzzzzzzzlyer July 7, 2010
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