3 definitions by yofatgrandma

A way Odessa describes Kylie Hinson
Kylie ''that's why your mom was an orphan''

Odessa ''thats why you got daddy issues''

Kylie- Did you take your meds today odessa?''
Odessa- FatGrandma
by yofatgrandma November 5, 2020
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A word used by Odessa to describe Kylie Hinson or Trumpy lumpy.
Kylie- "that's why your mom is an orphan''
Odessa- ''that's why yo momma dead"
Kylie- ''Odessa take your meds''
Odessa- ''Fatgrandma''
by yofatgrandma November 5, 2020
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A word Odessa uses to describe Kylie Hinson
Kylie ''that's why your mom was an orphan''

Odessa ''thats why you got daddy issues''

Kylie- Did you take your meds today odessa?''
Odessa- FatGrandma
by yofatgrandma November 5, 2020
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