3 definitions by yin can go suck one


Magazin is a well known person in a Discord server. She was the first generation three to have the Ascended role. She is a female and her real name is REDACTED, at least that's a variation of it.

She is also known as the servers loli, being the second most active female in the server and her voice sounding really high, but deep at the same time.
Pickle: Magazin y r u gay
Magazin: im not gay
Razer: ur a loli
Magazin: no
by yin can go suck one June 3, 2019
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A large Skeppy fan

They usually go around on videos of his or BadBoyHalo's Twitter and spam popular quotes he's made such as "14", "pingspoofer", "baldboyhalo", and "japanese symbol for beginner"

They are a huge problem in the BadBoyHalo server, spamming the general lounge and overall a huge problem on the server. Sadly, BadBoyHalo has done nothing to prevent this, because he's a sellout.
Skeptard: haha 14 pingspoofer 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰
by yin can go suck one June 20, 2019
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Really cool white guy who is against the left and says the N word alot
Arythnia-chan!!!! Stop being WACIST Arythnia-chan!!!!
by yin can go suck one June 20, 2019
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