2 definitions by wordproctologist

When a person has abstained from sex too long and becomes bitchy. Derived from the root words abstained and aggravated. It can be used to describe a person who is purposefully withholding sex for their moral beliefs resulting in a bitter distemper. It can also be applied to people who have been denied sexual intercourse for too long and develop a snarky attitude.
My girlfriend became adstangravated by the 4th day of her period, I hope it is over soon.

Sorry I am acting so abstangravated I have not had sex in a while.
by wordproctologist October 15, 2015
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A person that always seems to get out of work. A person that is very good at avoiding work, not showing up for work, works a lot from home(When they work form home they don't really do any work). Somehow they always manage to keep their job and most typically work in management. They are very good at making other people do their job for them. They love to delegate their job to other employees while they are always busy doing nothing. It is derived fromshirk and slog.
My manager is a shirkslog and is still on their 3 month paid vacation. Joe called in to work again today and asked me to fill in for him, he is a shirksloging bastard.
by wordproctologist October 15, 2015
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