2 definitions by wordman4321

verb. The act of pouring your drink into someone else's drink usually without the consent and the other party's knowledge of said action until after a significant portion of fluid has been transferred. Homogeneity of fluid mixtures is not a requirement and usually complete opposite types of liquids are "mixed" against the unsuspecting party's will.
"I was talking to a few people at this party while holding a drink and then I realize a schmohawk pulled an Aaron Hoffman and poured half his cup of beer into my vodka cranberry."
by wordman4321 April 1, 2013
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The act of receiving antibodies or immunity in general by eating out a women’s vagina and ingesting her vaginal juices which may contain antibodies to various viruses or bacteria.
“Juan, why didn’t you get the COVID vaccine?” “Nah man, I Got a Medellin transfusion last week I’m good.”
by wordman4321 April 24, 2021
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