11 definitions by word master123

1.A small piece of poop that you see in the toilet after taking a shit that reminds you of a dumpling.
2.A general insult to anyone.
1.I think I have diaria, i found about 20 turd dumplings in my shit this morning.
2.Timmy is a fucking turd dumpling
by word master123 August 24, 2006
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When your dick tilts to the left or the right so you cant pee straight
I pissed all over the bathrooom yester cause i had a bad cock hanger!
by word master123 August 26, 2006
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A phrase used by a homo sexual or gay man to ask another man if they are gay and would like to get it on with them.

The other man will either respond with, "Yes i have a liscene for my lawn mower, indicating that yes, they are gay and want to get it on, or no, that they do not have a licsense for their lawn mower, indicating that they are straight.
"Do you have a license for that lawn mower?"

by word master123 August 25, 2006
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