84 definitions by woody thomas

A question posed by one lifelong St. Louis area native to another upon first meeting or after having recently met. The purpose is to learn if you and the other person have any mutual acquaintances.
Shelly: "Oh, you've lived in St. Louis all your life? Where'd you go to high school?"

Steve: "Pattonville"

Shelly: "Pattonville? Uh, let's see, do you know a guy named Mark Henderson?"
by woody thomas November 27, 2009
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The subject of conversation when talking to Ralph on the big white telephone, usually after having consumed beer, scotch, and wine the same evening.
Joe came out of the bathroom white as a ghost and sweating his ass off. He had been talking to Ralph about a Buick on the big white telephone.
by woody thomas January 27, 2006
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The audience of a Grateful Dead show. A spoof (although not meant to be cruel) of "Jerry's Kids" for whom the Jerry Lewis telethon is held.
When the Dead were in town, all the fast food joints were filled with Jerry's Kids.
by woody thomas January 7, 2006
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A final opportunity to accomplish something, usually after previous unsuccessful tries or else no previous opportunity at all.
This will be the coach's last kick at the cat to win a championship; he's retiring after this year.
by woody thomas May 26, 2007
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nickname of former hockey tough guy Bob Probert (see)
Probie got two for elbowing, five for fighting, and a game misconduct
by woody thomas January 8, 2006
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A bit of folklore widely beleived to be real but that never actually happened.


The Babe Ruth "called shot" at Wrigley Field where he pointed to the centerfield scoreboard and then hit the next pitch there.

Zsa Zsa Gabor was on the Johnny Carson show with a cat on her lap and said 'Johnny, vood you like to pet my poo-see?'
To which he replied 'Sure, move the cat.'

Arnold Palmer's wife was on the Carson show and said that before every tournament, 'I kiss his (golf) balls for good luck,' and Johnny said, 'well I'll bet that makes his putter stand up.'

Richard Gere once went to an emergency room to have a gerbil removed from his ass.

Rod Stewart once had to have his stomach pumped due to swallowing an excessive amount of semen

Keith Richards went to Switzerland to have his blood replaced with new blood as an attempt to kick heroin

Jim Morrison flashed his dick at a concert in Miami

Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a live bat

Wilt Chamberlain fucked over 20,000 women
Most urban myths are bullshit
by woody thomas August 23, 2007
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