3 definitions by wolfalicia

An ‘Incel’-like person who follows the cult anti-Trans Irish ex-tv personality ‘Glinner’ (Graham Linehan).
Jeez these Glincels are really ganging up on the Trans people today.
by wolfalicia May 4, 2020
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An affectionate low level hook-up often made in commiseration, with no serious emotional involvement on the part of the smasher, but sometimes inadvertently on the part of the smashee. Essentially a modern update of the 80s/90s 'Sympathy Fuck'.
Sue pity-smashed Tom after his break up with Helen, and now he thinks it's serious and won't leave her alone..
by wolfalicia December 8, 2020
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A unique succesful one-off cultural event, product or phenomenon which appears unaffected by any recent or contemporary fashion, and belongs to no definable style.
'That band don't even care what's hip; they're totally trend-blind and just go their own way.'
by wolfalicia October 28, 2021
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