3 definitions by willa69420

The things you get excited and hyped over when you see them in your bank account ( you have more than 1,000 of whatever the currency in your country is)
Guy 1: "Dude, I checked my account balance yesterday and saw Commas!"
Guy 2: "God Damn, Y'all need to buy a fur jacket and some new frames!"
by willa69420 July 11, 2015
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Some unemployed person who still lives with their parents and posts shitty 6 second videos, they make all teen girls moist.
Guy: I'm a viner, can I have this meal free?
Waiter/Waitress: you're a what?
Guy: Have you never heard of me?
Waiter/Waitress: No! *hands bill*
by willa69420 August 12, 2015
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A slang term for a knife, blade or shank, usually a butterfly knife or any knife that has to be flicked to be opened
Oi' blud, I''l shank ya with ma new switch blud
by willa69420 May 30, 2015
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