4 definitions by wildfireinmybrain

If you watch september 29ths cnn 10 you would know 🤷 ♀️
That Puffin is the cutest animal in the world.

(no it is not)
by wildfireinmybrain September 29, 2020
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This is a word that you randomly sppppaaammm when you are laughing at over text.
OMG you are soo funnyyyoaushvoa
by wildfireinmybrain September 29, 2020
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The word that you looked up because you are being bored 😁👍
nalnalnalnalnal I am so tired of school
by wildfireinmybrain September 29, 2020
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This is me when I wake up in the morning because I a half awake and half asleep and thought I was a wolf
Omg you are ugly get out of my face
by wildfireinmybrain September 29, 2020
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