7 definitions by whiteboyDJ

To betray (esp. publically) the way that Brutus did Caesar, Judas did Jesus, and LeBron James did Cleveland, Akron, and Cavs fans everywhere. It’s bad enough to defect secretly or quietly (i.e., Benedict Arnold), but it’s another thing to do it on ESPN -- digging the dagger as deep as possible. “Et tu, Brute?” That’s like not having the guts to break up face-to-face with your girlfriend of seven years, so you let her and the entire world know by simply changing your Facebook status to “single.” Really? Maybe it’s time to get the cursive “Loyalty” tattoo removed from the left side of your rib cage.
Son: Welcome to my parents golden anniversary everyone! While I have a moment on the mic, let me just say that you were terrible parents, Mom and Dad.

Dad: Are you LeBron-ing us? But we loved you unconditionally. We did anything we could to make you happy. We’re even letting you live in our basement. Does this mean you’re moving out?

Son: Yes. I’m taking my talents to South Beach.
by whiteboyDJ November 6, 2010
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The irrational suspicion held by every human that tells us we cannot hit a crosswalk button just once. Our intuition tells us that, if we only hit the button one time, the electronic signal will not be sent sufficiently to the traffic light. Therefore, every pedestrian makes a fist and hits the button -- rapid-fire style -- until lactic acid causes our triceps to cramp up and shut down.
Dan: Hey ‘Weed – you’re not playin’ Galaga. Hit the button a few times and then stand down.

Tim: Sorry, ‘Skinner. I’ve got major crosswalk distrust…and I don’t wanna miss my waxing appointment.
by whiteboyDJ November 3, 2010
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A nickname for any male who likes Lady Gaga, or any male artist who opens for her.
Simpson: Dude! Did you see Lady Gaga's outfit at the Grammys last night? She looked fabulous!

Dude: Sorry, Lord GooGoo -- I must've missed that. Did she borrow Bjork's swan dress for the evening?
by whiteboyDJ December 4, 2010
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Borrowed from football terminology, this is the protective posture assumed by any guy who thinks he is about to get hit in the nads. The dude quickly closes his legs and shields his crotch with both hands so that he doesn't get racked.
I told him that his Mom was hot and then immediately went into the cover 2 defense.
by whiteboyDJ October 28, 2009
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The random onion ring sometimes included in your order of BK french fries. It's kinda cool and kinda repulsive at the same time. Apparently, two completely separate receptacles for the fried side items is too lofty a concept for the King.
Chris: "Check it out! I got a BK bonus ring in my fries when we went through the drive thru!"

Smitty: "Look! I got a BK bonus fry in my onion rings!"

James: "BK sucks. Let's go to Chipotle."
by whiteboyDJ March 10, 2010
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The highest level of excitement; it is often expressed with words or phrases like “full on” and “all the way.” Shouts of exclamation may accompany, creating laughter that is indecipherable from sobbing.

TRIPLE rainbow excitement” is extremely rare and could cause you to spontaneously combust.
When I kissed Shannon goodnight for the first time I ran home jumping and yelling. That was some full-on double rainbow excitement, man!
by whiteboyDJ March 12, 2011
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The highest level of excitement; it is often expressed with words or phrases like “full on” and “all the way.” Shouts of exclamation may accompany, creating laughter that is indecipherable from sobbing.

TRIPLE rainbow excitement” is extremely rare and could cause you to spontaneously combust.
When I kissed Shannon goodnight for the first time I ran home jumping and yelling. That was some full-on double rainbow excitement, man!
by whiteboyDJ March 9, 2011
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