6 definitions by whattakinda peel

fighting. a noun, a verb, literally everything

most kids who think theyre cool and edgy in the cnmi (typically in 4th-7th grade) will use this when theyre mad. saying "u wanna scrap? huh?" is like saying "i see red when im mad" and "if i laugh in a fight, run"
"u wanna scrap baht? huh?? pussy."
"im gonna scrap u tomorrow. after school, near canteen."
by whattakinda peel May 11, 2023
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originally used as words like slut. usually now it means bro, dude ect typically in a rude way

mainly used in fights but a lot of friends call eachother baht when surprised or jokingly fighting
"baht u wanna scrap?"

"baht what the fuck"
by whattakinda peel May 11, 2023
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slang used everywhere here in the CNMI typically meaning bro, kind of like "sup brother"
its used how you use words like "dude" or "friend" just more accepted by kids over here

usually used to greet friends or (usually jokingly) in fights.
"yo par whats going on"
"par u gonna scrap?"
"par u oba gay"
by whattakinda peel May 11, 2023
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lasagna spelled wrong mainly used in 2019-2020 referencing garfield (duh)
"feed me lasgana"
"you forgot to feed me lasgana now look what happened"
by whattakinda peel May 11, 2023
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mainly used 2017-2019, means a roblox thot, or a sexualized, yassified or just makeup-wearing robloxians.

usually found in sorority games or their ads, and having realistic hands with long nails and big ass lips and lashes. almost like a barb, but their faces, hair, hands ect are only in roblox sorority games.
"lol i got a rothot ad"
"ur a rothot"
"remember rothots? me neither."
by whattakinda peel May 12, 2023
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just a replacement for the words "very," "mega" and "a lot"

usually used by kids in saipan and guam (typically jokingly like describing a 300 ft long cookie as oba huge)
" that 300 ft long cookie was oba yummy"

"ur oba zesty"

"ur oba corny"
by whattakinda peel May 11, 2023
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