4 definitions by weed warper 2

Somebody that attracts large numbers of cops/police aka bacon or pigs. You do not want to hang around this person under ANY circumstances!!!! A bacon magnet will typically be stupid as fuck, engage in criminal behavior that is so obvious that it's a wonder they are not already in jail for life. The Bacon Magnet will likely try to rat you out if caught by the many cops after him/her. Homicidal thoughts towards or about the bacon magnet are normal and should be keep in check because remember there is always somebody with less self control and they will curb stomp this mother fucker eventually. The average Bacon Magnet is also a ONE way first class ticket to a federal pound-me-in the-ass prison... seriously never hang out or even go within 300 yards of this person. They will mooch off of you if they can and steal from you. If they somehow get your number or address I suggest changing numbers, moving out of the country or just killing yourself to get away.
John:Hey did you here about that kid that got caught for stealing a backpack somebody left in the bathroom.
Joe:Yeah that guys a Bacon Magnet, there weren't even witnesses or security footage seeing as it was a bathroom

John: I know right I guess he stole it like last Tuesday and they questioned him today and the cops tricked him into confessing

Joe: Yeah what a fuck up if he ever found out where i lived I think id just kill myself.

John: yeah me too thats really the only way to get away from someone like that.
by weed warper 2 July 13, 2011
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To achieve warp vision you need to smoke or consume about a gram of good to really good weed in one sitting. It is the 4th level of being high on weed. When someone tries to acheive warp vision it will be difficult as you will likely want to stop because you are so fucking high. Once you get to this level you will be walking and it will seem as if you have walked 20 feet in the blink of an eye. People you know well will feel familiar but you will not know who they are. Driving with warp vision is really stupid cause just walking is really hard. It is an amazing feeling to have and you will feel as if you are walking underwater. Your eyes will be so red and blood shot that people will know your high. Your eyes will be almost closed no matter what so people will know your high. Take this into consideration beforehand. Everything feels slowed down and it is almost like the time skips, But you are still in control. It is best to do a warp vision trip after a tolerance break or your first time smoking weed. Just keep smoking till you can't even use your lighter. Pre packing is recommend because spilling weed sucks. Do not be around cops talking is difficult or impossible as well as remembering what you have to say. Don't zone out or you will just pass out and it would be a waste of a gram. You will be high as fuck for a long time like 5-12 hours. You may even wake up high the next day and a bad case of second day stupids is assured.
You have a lot of weed on you and have been ditched by a non weed smoker bitch that is paranoid about your weed smoking. You have to walk home 8-9 miles by yourself and have nothing better to do. By the time you have finished your many bowl packs you have now achieved warp vision and can't remember which direction your house is despite knowing exactly how to get home if sober. You will likely get lost many times and a 2 hour walk turns into a 4.5hour trip. If you get pulled over or run into cops you likely won't care that they are pulling you over you are just that far gone.
by weed warper 2 January 17, 2012
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To be forcefully locked out of your computer while browsing the internet. Usually the browsing is often school related.

The computer tech admin with the back problems that eats lots of sandwiches at Praire Rridge High School in Crystal Lake, IL.
I was doing my research paper and totally got bush-whacked.

Ok students do your work so you don't become in danger of being bush-whacked.

Dude I was like doing my work and then decided I wanted to watch youtube, but I totally got bush-wacked. So I was like wtf ill beat this bitch at her own game and boot linux from my usb. HAHA and then shes like where the hell did all the bandwidth go I'd go and try to find out, but im too busy eating a sandwich behind my two computer screens and stopping kids from working on their papers!
by weed warper 2 May 12, 2010
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When smoking weed there are 5 levels of being high.

1 Buzzed(Just enough to feel slightly intoxicated)>Only pussies get buzzed

2 High(An awesome feeling of bliss all over everything is better high
3 Really High(You will probably not do anything productive;for celebrations etc)

4 Stoned(You don't want to think about things so you get stoned)

5 Warp Vision(Special Occasions where you smoke so much time skips see separate definition

6 Passed Out(What are you a junkie man? You just ate 60 bucks worth of weed you'll be out cold pretty soon. What a waste!
John: So want to smoke some green girl? What levels of high you want to do?

Amy: Hell yeah i'm thinking I want to be at 3 or 4. how much we got?
John: I just picked up an 1/8 be a dare devil and get warp vision with me.
Amy: Well the boss has been a real ass lately, why not I got nothing to do tomorrow!
by weed warper 2 January 17, 2012
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