2 definitions by wangqiu

When "Asian" telecallers start speaking with a fake American accent after being on the job for a week. Usually done when they're meeting people for the first time; it usually disappears in a half hour or so because they can't escape the urge to talk normally again.
She was a pretty girl with a hot personality but when her F.A.S. (fake accent syndrome) kicks in she is so YUCK !!
by wangqiu May 18, 2014
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someone you share vag juice and shnoop with. Basically someone you're boning real good!
Allan : I am going to "KEVIN" (FUCK YOU WITH MY BIG DICK!) you someday!

Me: Ewww! I DO NOT want to be protein partners with YOU! You got Aids or summat...! EwwwW!
by wangqiu May 18, 2014
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