4 definitions by udontknowme

one who just likes fire, and has no reason for burning things. pyromania is a mental illness. people who burn things to prove a point or protest are most likely not pyromaniacs.
shortened: pyro
i once set my carpet on fire just to watch it burn, because i am a pyromaniac.
by udontknowme October 29, 2003
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a metaphor for one's penis, used in the system of a down song "bounce"
i went out on a date, with a girl, a bit late, she had so many friends, i brought my pogo stick, just to show her a trick, she had so many friends.
by udontknowme October 29, 2003
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a lot of people that post definitons on this site.
see also: haters, posers, assholes.
hey, i don't like this certain band/ store/race/religion! lemmee go be a fucker and dis it on urbandictionary.com!
by udontknowme October 30, 2003
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high mountain middle school is hell. no one who’s ever went there is proud to say it. where 5th graders get caught for vaping. this school is filled with stuck up little bitches who no one likes. high mountain middle school sucks. except everyone’s favorite teacher. 99.9% of the students are white. high mountain sucks
by udontknowme November 11, 2021
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