2 definitions by toinfinityandbeyond

The most Beautiful girl that I have ever seen. She might not see that she's beautiful but you need to keep reminding her that she is. She's Amazing, Stunning, Gorgeous and very breathtaking.❤ She's the type of girl that will make you fall for her just by being herself. There's to much great things to say about her but not enough space.She will be Loyal, Honest and True to you. Forever and Always.
Joselynn is just so Amazing and is just so incredibly Beautiful.
by toinfinityandbeyond April 16, 2014
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To braille someone means to explore that person's face or body with the fingers as if reading text in Braille. May also be used by blind guys as a pick-up line ("May I braille you?").
"I Read Her Body Like Braille" is a poem by the Nigerian poet Toni Kan in his book "Songs of Absence and Despair."
by toinfinityandbeyond October 9, 2009
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