4 definitions by tired of the cult

When a barackhead says something that is easily shown to be untrue, but refuses to admit it despite being shown they were wrong.

Obama Nut Punch
You know, Clinton has an amazing voting record for women's rights.


Uh... no he doesn't.

*obscenity laced rant in caps*

No, sorry. You lose! You made a total Obama Eff Up!
by tired of the cult February 10, 2008
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Someone who claims to love the things Obama says, but really just hates Clinton. Digging into their Clinton hatred, misogyny is revealed.

Essentially, an Obamatard doesn't want a Republican in office, but would vote Huckabee before Clinton. Their ideal leader has certain qualities which they only ascribe to men.
Clinton fake cried! She's so conniving!! And if it was real, that just means she's too weak to be President! I don't want some weak crying woman in office!

Quote from an actual Obamatard: "Crying in public is only acceptable in certain situations (physical pain, mourning, etc.), and stress is not f**king one of those situations. And if they were real tears, she was just FAKING, and I don't want that either!"

by tired of the cult February 10, 2008
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The magical fluid one drinks to set aside the ability to rationally discuss politics when someone points out something Clinton did better than Barack Obama.

You know, Clinton has an amazing voting record for women's rights.

Response: Expletive laced rant in caps.

Dude. Whatever, you drank the Obama Nut Punch!
by tired of the cult February 10, 2008
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The point in any political debate when the person you're debating accidentally reveals they actually know nothing about either candidate, have merely become a barackhead, and tries to change the subject to something unrelated to the debate in the hope YOU won't know anything about it either. When this fails, they will begin screaming obscenities at you (if online, they will type in all caps).

Obama Nut Punch
You know, Clinton has an amazing voting record for women's rights.

Response: OH YEAH?!?!? WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST AMENDMENT?!!!>! *obscenity laced rant in caps*

DUDE! Calm down! You're having an Obama Breakdown!
by tired of the cult February 10, 2008
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