27 definitions by this username sucks

“I can’t find my cum sock!”
“Did you look in your drawer?”
“Oh, nevermind then!”
by this username sucks May 24, 2022
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Some weirdass thing people do to make medicine. Pretty cool cuz now you don’t have to die from some random-ass disease but also pretty bad because the cool ass animals get hurt ass because the chemical ass ass is harmful ass. But at least-ass we get-ass pay-ass-back for-ass against rats for causing the black plague-ass
Asses may or may not be my favorite animal but i don’t think they are used in animal testing
by this username sucks October 11, 2021
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The reflex that happens whenever a bruh moment happens. Makes you say “bruh
*bruh moment happens*
Internal bruh reflex activates
by this username sucks November 11, 2022
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