5 definitions by theunknownone
"As Michaelangelo worked with clay, and DaVinci with oil, Beth is a true artist with the cock. She my friend, is a penile picasso."
by theunknownone September 11, 2005
Term for the penis coined by Triple H of the WWE back when he and Shawn Michaels were D-Generation X.
"Maybe I'll show her my lance corporal, and show her what standing at attention is all about" quote from Triple H
by theunknownone September 11, 2005
by theunknownone January 1, 2015
It is a forgettable if been in it many times and unforgettable if done it first time. It is a feeling that you want that person to be your only one and the only one. It is very difficult to get rid of it unless if both partners don't get along well. It is a feeling that it's undescribeable for majority of people. A true love cannot be called true love without its ups and downs. Love cannot be love without feeling the true experience of love.
People cannot experience love because they have not felt it. It is not automatically like a metal and a magnet
by theunknownone December 30, 2015
Clausetophobic is a person who is scared of Santa clause
"Ho ho ho" -Patrick
Stop it Patrick your scaring him" -spongebob
"Ho ho ho" -Patrick
Stop it Patrick your scaring him" -spongebob
by theunknownone December 30, 2015