11 definitions by thechadman412

A family friendly website that works as an alternative to YouTube. You can find a variety of videos on the platform such as cooking videos, love stories, and Fortnite videos. This is the preferred platform to YouTube for many people, especially 13 year old males.
I showed my 7 year old son PornHub today. He seems to like it.
by thechadman412 December 19, 2020
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Microsoft's search engine to rival Google. Contrary to popular belief, Bing is on par with if not better than Google when it comes to results. Plus there's the added bonus of Microsoft rewards, a service where Microsoft pays you points that you can redeem for free gift cards. Not many people seem to know about this.
Guy 1: Anyone who says Bing sucks is ignorant and has never really given it a fair chance
Guy 2: Facts
by thechadman412 November 26, 2020
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See Trojan Horse. They look like chicken nuggets, but don't be fooled. If you look REALLY close, you can tell that they are wolves in sheep's clothing. For some reason, no matter where I look online, I don't see anyone having a problem with them, which boggles my mind. The issue isn't even the fact that they're pickles, it's the fact that they look so god damn similar to chicken nuggets. Like, fuck, either make them easier to identify or explicitly make sure that the one about to eat them knows what they are. I swear it's some sick joke.

This kinda stuff is why I have trust issues.
Before eating the "chicken nuggets":
Oooh! Some chicken nuggets!
After eating what turned out to be deep fried pickles:
Why is the world so cruel...
by thechadman412 July 13, 2022
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The only color in Among us that you can trust.
Cyan is never the impostor. Cyan is never sus.
by thechadman412 December 1, 2020
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