23 definitions by the funny one

A nation that somehow manage to hold on to all the worst aspects of the last and embrace all the worst aspects of modernity without much if the good of either. They are stuck in the past in the sense that human rights are pretty much non -existent, with women forced to cover up, homosexuality and witchcraft being punishable by death, and they support regimes such as the Taliban amoung other things. The part of modernity they seem to have embraced is the damn ugly scenery, tearing down their historic architecture and replacing it with ugly strip malls and tacky Las Vegas style biggest in the world type of stuff.
Saudi Arabia is rich from stumbling apon the world's greatest oil feilds, but they are really just simple and closed minded, uneducated, lacking all style, shallow, and extreme.
by the funny one September 16, 2018
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The religious system involving the devotion to the great and awesome female gluteus maximus.
Now gentlemen and lesbians. Let us all stand for our daily booty worship
by the funny one February 18, 2016
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A strange paradox where someone can look like they have no ass in some positions and clothes, and yet have quite an ass in others that seems too shapely and large to have been able to be hidden
What on earth. Jenny always looked like a stick. But she just popped a squat and she's secretly thick as hell
by the funny one December 31, 2022
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A booty so big, soft, and round, that you could used it as a pillow to sleep on
Yo girl. That pillow booty of your will save our expenses on pillows when we go squat and apartment. Thank you baby
by the funny one December 9, 2016
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A country like no other. It has many wildly diverse ethic groups often separated by the enormous mountains and a fascinating culture. Afghans are true warriors and has fought off the strongest empires throughout history from the Mongols to the British to the Soviets. Despite hardly ever loosing to a foreign power, Afghanistan hasn't exactly won either and the nation seems to always find its self in conflict with things such as religion, ideology, tribal ethnic tentions and outside influences. Afghanistan is a geographically beautiful nation with mountains and medows galore, but like the ocean it is beautiful but very dangerous.
Afghanistan would be a great place to visit but one most be extremely careful if they ever go.
by the funny one March 19, 2018
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A man who is completely lost in life after gettingbout of the security of high school, and has no idea how to define himself or fund meaning in life other than repeatedly lifting weights and taking steroids to get as enormous and humanly possible. They usually base their entire lives aroubd this only wearing clothes that either show off their deformed bodies or say things like "seriously strong"
Tom: How's Tony been doing John
John: Not too well. Poor guy never had any idea what to do with himself, so he's just become a total gym buff. Never does anything but pump iron and dope up until he looks like a human terd.
by the funny one November 4, 2018
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Someone who takes small details and fathoms wild conspiracies from them. These people tend to be extremely liberal, extremely conservative, or to insane to think about such worldly topics. These people use wild conspirisis to avoid dealing with the real issues of the world.
Normal person: man. It's really sad with all the drama going on between Cops and African Americans

Conspirifuck: it's the Lizard Illuminate's plan to divide and control us all. But this part of their plan is the least of our worries. Did you know that the Lizard Illuminaty also put mind control gagets in all our food
by the funny one July 19, 2016
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