4 definitions by the Perdverts

A state of depression induced when a Phil Collins song gets stuck in your head.
I woke up hearing "In the Air Tonight" and now it's making me all philancholy. :(
by the Perdverts May 10, 2014
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When a narcissist fragrantly steals your time by rambling on and on about themselves.
"Suzie would not shut up about all her stupid family problems - that bitch committed Grand Narceny."
by the Perdverts May 31, 2014
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The moment you realize you've spent more time searching for things to watch on Netflix than actually watching anything on Netflix.
Damn, there's nothing good on Netflix. I feel so netfucked! :(
by the Perdverts May 10, 2014
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A relatively successful debt collector that makes over $50,000/year and thinks he's the shit because he's managed to enter the lower-middle class in such a low skill occupation.
"Bruce wears tailored suits everyday, even on casual Friday. He thinks he's some kind of Cold-Caller Baller."
by the Perdverts May 31, 2014
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