9 definitions by the pharmicist

the ting that make casual cod lobbies into Call of Duty MLG league
sbmm = money for activision
by the pharmicist February 25, 2021
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the place where kids join there first gang
oi,blunt av you been to the playground, it's full of fun
by the pharmicist May 5, 2020
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how the fuck have you not heard this fucking song it's the best fucking song on this side of this fucking planet,
Ali-a theme song= 3,2,1 drop it
by the pharmicist May 6, 2020
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cocaine or coke is the best stuff on the black market, it's even said to be gods gift
HAte weed , i'm having cocaine
by the pharmicist May 6, 2020
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dark lord of the sith was the leader of the sith empire in the days before darth bane, after darth bane (who made the rule of two) both two sith where the dark lord of the sith, and if you don't know who the sith where, they are a gang in star wars who carry around laser swords
star wars begginer: what is a dark lord of the sith
star wars nerd: dark lord of the sith was the leader of the sith empire in the days before darth bane, after darth bane (who made the rule of two) both two sith where the dark lord of the sith
star wars fan but not nerd: google it
by the pharmicist May 6, 2020
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person 1 : what should I do
person 2 : i dunno WWTD
person 1 : OK
by the pharmicist September 20, 2020
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