2 definitions by the original shartman

n. 1. one who sharts multiple times; a compulsive sharter
2. one who sharts while attempting to blast a massive fart on someone else
3. one who sharts quite often

Tom: yo bro, jack just sharted in my bed
Steve: why did you even let him in your house?
Tom: why not?
Steve: oh, you don't know, jack's a shartman. he holds the guiness book of world record for most sharts ever and most sharts in an hour. i heard once he even sharted on his balls.
by the original shartman January 30, 2008
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n. 1. one who sharts multiple times; a compulsive sharter
2. one who sharts while attempting to blast a massive fart on someone else
3. one who sharts quite often
Tom: yo bro, jack just sharted in my bed
Steve: why did you even let him in your house?
Tom: why not?
Steve: oh, you don't know, jack's a shartman. he holds the guiness book of world record for most sharts ever and most sharts in an house
by the original shartman January 30, 2008
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