10 definitions by that one bitch_

The best girl ever.Funny,smart and loyal.You should apologize really hard if you did something mean to Anya.But,she always has a dark side.When she angry she can turn into a lion.She can be really savage but when she's your friend,she's sweet and nice.I already write it,but she's smart asf. She's not really feminine,but she has a good style.She's popular too.
Person 1:Wow I love Anya.She gorgeous,smart and funny
Person 2:ikr!! I love her too.
by that one bitch_ March 28, 2020
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If ur american and ur name is Margaux,then ur mom's name is Karen ik it.
Me:Get out ur mom is Karen.I hate u margaux
by that one bitch_ May 13, 2020
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The biggest idiot on earth. He's the kind of guy who will friend zone u and become ur friend and the next day will come and insult u. If he's one of your best friends, he can be nice. He rages a lot, especially in sports. He's the kind of guy who will fight u 4 a game of dodge ball. So, if u don't wanna be heartbroken, don't touch the cedrics.
Cedric?? Oh this dumbass who insults u and who friend zoned u??? Oh I know him,he's fkn toxic
by that one bitch_ March 27, 2020
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when someone did'nt get the joke or when someone take sarcasm seriously
Charli:Gasoline smells donut
Mia:eww no
by that one bitch_ March 28, 2020
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They always reject you.
They change their behavior in 2 seconds.
They're never happy for you.
They're always jealous of you.
They insult you and then,they say "it's just a joke.
They make you cry.
They never defend you.
They don't text you back.
They act different with you want they're around other friends.
You cant tell them your problems.
They don't laugh at your jokes or they fake laugh.
They just text you when they need something.
They always talk about them.
And more...
In conclusion,I have fake friends.
Fake Friend:Hey!I know we havent talk for a while but I need-
Me:You always need things from me! I only have fake friends.
by that one bitch_ June 12, 2020
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When someone is famous for nothing
by that one bitch_ April 20, 2020
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