7 definitions by ta hoe caligurrl💞


LeeXone means a strong, white Viking Warrior Man. Someone who will always be proud of the skin that he is in. LeeXone is a man of his word. Someone who has been thru it all and still stands strong. LeeXone is a man most woman would do anything to have as their ride or die. His scars make him beautiful. He has an old wise soul. LeeXone is a man of a dying breed, the breed that still practices chivalry and will always be loyal to those who are loyal to him. LeeXone is a Viking Warrior, a natural born leader.
I strive to be a LeeXone man. That's the type of man my woman deserves!
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 February 27, 2024
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Gavin is the caterpillars deep in your tummy. The butterflies that stampede within you. Gavin is what makes your heart melt. He holds the organ that keeps me alive. He has the power to break me and the power to grow with me and live the best lives together and be the best versions of ourselves together, forever.
I think everyone needs a Gavin In their lives!
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 March 23, 2022
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A Kurina is the definition of a strong bad ass female! She is a female whose on another level of vibrations. A Kurina is the higher power, the next level "a b c soup " Goddess who is wicked, gorgeous, and a "top shelf" sexual deviant that will gain control on you, if she believes your worth her time.

A Kurina has multiple personalities. She has a fierce soul that has more powers then even her own self is even aware of...yet;)
Wow! That girl is a total Kurina! She's strong and beautiful and gets whatever she wants!
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 July 12, 2022
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JLeZone is an all man being. He lives fast, he lives dangerously & rides against the grain of society. His end game is on point tho, he will always rise up & excel to the top. He's a man of height & strength & head turning looks. JLeXone is a lifer & will ride with you till the end. He's a dying breed & hard to find. So if you do spot one I guarantee he's all mine.
Damn girl, how'd you get so lucky to find yourself a JLeXone!?
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 February 21, 2024
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Nkemakonam is very strong in meaning and very difficult to pronounce. But when properly said, it's poetry to the ears. Nkemakonam means I won't lack what is meant to be mine.
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 March 14, 2023
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It's a two (2)

This phrase is mostly said while also flashing the gesture holding 2 fingers out, just as if you are flashing the peace sign except far more discreet. It means... 'its a bust' or 'keep it on the d.l (down low)'. Its said mostly between friends, where one friend is being a look out for another friend and giving them a heads up. Originated from a generation of people who were raised in Truckee/Lake Tahoe California in the mid & later 90's as teenagers.
Hey bro! It's a two (2), it's a two (2)!!!!
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 July 12, 2019
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J Lee Xone

J Lee Xone is a modern day Billy the Kid mixed with a true savage higher God and warrior Viking. A man whom not only dominates in a man's world but also dominates on the highest rank of leadership . His strength in mind and physical form is no battle anyone wants to go up against. J Lee Xone is also a man who has charm, hes sexy and mysterious. A man who attracts many woman but ONLY has eyes for one.
"Wow girl, did you see that man who just walked by!? He is undoubtedly a J Lee Xone, those men are a dieing breed and hard to come by these days!"
by ta hoe caligurrl💞 July 3, 2024
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