4 definitions by szyslak

Material on Wikipedia that appeals only to extremely devoted fans of a subject. Examples include a single, forgettable joke on The Simpsons or South Park or a Star Trek character who appeared in a single episode of "Enterprise." May or may not be related to the hacker term cruft.
That Wikipedia article about the Babylon 5 fanscript is fancruft.
by szyslak February 25, 2005
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The university in Santa Barbara, California, better known as UCSB. Due to the concerns of parents who do not want their children exposed to casual sex and beer, the UC Board of Regents changed the school's name to the University of California, Santa Barbara.
"My buddy balled six chicks this weekend. He goes to the University of Casual Sex and Beer."
by szyslak February 13, 2005
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1. adj. Of or relating to retards, retardation and stupidity
2. n. Dumb people, individually or as a group
Putting your dick in a vacuum cleaner hose is the retardian way of jacking off.

Kevin Federline is king of the retardians.
by szyslak September 1, 2006
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1. adj. Of or relating to retards, retardation and stupidity
2. n. Dumb people, individually or as a group
Putting your dick in a vacuum cleaner hose is the retardian way of jacking off.

Kevin Federline is king of the retardians.
by szyslak August 31, 2006
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