4 definitions by supermegadeathfuzz

its when you take scuba gear and perform sex underwater(in warm water preferably) in a cowgirl pose as any other sex position will result in air tank leakage
HAHAHAHA i totally porked your mom yesterday at the pool. and my buddy had some scuba gear so i totally gave her a red october cowgirl. HAHAHAHAHAHA
by supermegadeathfuzz May 10, 2010
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The worst natural disaster known to man, a cross between a bear attack and an earthquake.
"This just in , we have reports from San Fransisco that indicate a bearquake is imminent! Remember to stand in a doorframe with your bear mace, make sure that the nozzle is pointed out and you stand away from the windows!
by supermegadeathfuzz October 23, 2010
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medical condition defined by the expression on ones face after seeing an amazing rack. Bug eyes, open mouth, general paralysis lasting 5 seconds to a minute, along with euphoria, and temporary blindness are all symptoms of Tittie shock.
MAN A: Dude at the party last night , Ashley totaly flashed her tits at me!

MAN B: oh yeah her tits are awesome!

MAN A: i know i was in tittie shock for like 15 minutes
by supermegadeathfuzz May 22, 2010
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the passing of a kidney stone during male ejaculation. Usally involved with intoxicated alaskan medical students.
i hit my balls with a wrench this morning, it hurt like a Tennessee traffic jam.
by supermegadeathfuzz May 10, 2010
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