34 definitions by superman

what preppies and rich kids have.
preps with crew cuts look like 5 year old pussies
by superman February 16, 2004
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same as ahi, but to a woman.
refer to "ahi" defenition.
she: hey ahoti, whats up?
she 1: sababa ahoti..
by superman March 13, 2005
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place where people who TiPe LyKe DiSS put their lives on the internet. Example: 2day im madd tyred yo.They hope that by learning that they are tired, you will assume that they went out and do have lives. And not just asians "blog" there. theres all kinds of losers.
xAnGuh IsH dA c00l3st!! R3preSEnt!!!!
by superman November 9, 2003
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A word used to describe the willful act of truanting, derived from 1960's homosexual folk songs.
'Hey, that Henry guy jigged his ballet lesson today! What a fag!'
by superman March 25, 2003
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Big claws on them. Live real deep. Big as a man.
This injury is very reminiscent of a Claw Shrimp attack.
by superman December 11, 2003
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lonely guy that is misunderstood by adults, one who needs companionship with others under 18 years of age who understand him.
by superman November 29, 2003
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