4 definitions by spunkyjizzmaster69420semenjizz

Born in 1962. Steve Albini is a guitarist who is currently in Shellac. He was also in the groups Big Black and Rapeman. He has also engineered over 1000 albums, with In Utero by Nirvana, Surfer Rosa by the Pixies, and Rid of Me by PJ Harvey being examples of those. Steve was a notorious edgelord back in the 1980s.
Edgelord: Look at those niggers over there.
Person: You sound like Steve Albini right now.
Edgelord: Who the fuck is Steve Albini?
Person: You're no edgelord if you don't know who Albini is.
by spunkyjizzmaster69420semenjizz October 18, 2023
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A tool that South Korea used in the 90's to make themselves some more money. In other words, it's shitty capitalist garbage.
by spunkyjizzmaster69420semenjizz December 5, 2022
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A man with penises protruding from his head. The penises range in length from .00000000451 femtometers to 189,420,957 leagues long. When distressed, he will shake his head around while urinating from his head penises, blessing everyone in a 10 mile radius with a golden shower. He visits you in your dreams, telling you that your bladder will explode. Then, when you wake from the dream, your urine is in your bloodstream.
Dude, the penis master visited me in my dream, and the next thing you know my bladder explodes and I'm off to the ER.
by spunkyjizzmaster69420semenjizz November 5, 2022
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