3 definitions by spaima graselor

When the obese neckbeard in your office jumps on the pig and the pig's intestines explode through its anus.
racul porc. I-a făcut desmațizare pletosu'.
by spaima graselor February 5, 2019
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When the typical 40 something year old virgin indian says a joke in the elevator and a few seconds of awkward silence come.
You've been blowjobbed by that indian cuck again?
by spaima graselor February 22, 2019
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When the fat neckbeard forever alone sweaty stinky hungarian virgin nerd in your office goes to the bathroom in a group along a few romanian virgin nerds and they all touch his ponytail while masturbating.
Here comes the cadaveric hun again, watch out, his ass smells like digging Ramses's grave.
by spaima graselor February 22, 2019
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