5 definitions by spaghetti cormorant

someone who sucks off a rosette

A word that Harmonix has listed on their list of very naughty words for the Rock Band Network.
What is a rosette sucker? Someone who sucks off kids?
by spaghetti cormorant May 8, 2010
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--Fuck doing work.
--Did you just drop the f - bomb?
by spaghetti cormorant November 17, 2009
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a major league baseball team who plays their home games at Wrigley Field on the north side of Chicago, Illinois. A few notable facts about the Cubs:
- One of the original National League teams
- Mostly known for their long World Series drought (101+ years)
- The first team to appear in back-to-back World Series (1906-1908)
- The first team to win back to back World Series (1907-1908)
- Biggest rivals are the Chicago White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals
- Have played in the same ballpark since 1916, longer than all teams except the Boston Red Sox
- 1st team to win 10 000 games playing in a single city (2nd team to win 10 000 games overall, after the New York/San Francisco Giants)
Fans of Chicago Cubs vs. Fans of Chicago White Sox: Which are better?
- Loyalty: Cubs
- Knowledge: Undecided
- Tradition: Cubs
- History: Cubs
- Sheer numbers: Cubs
- Consistent winners: Sox (i don't know if it's good or bad)
- Die-hard fans: Too close to call; Cubs a slight edge, maybe.
- Fair-weather fans: Sox have more.
- Bandwagon fans: Cubs have too many.
- Passion: Can't call
Overall: The Cubs have the better fan community aside from all of the bandwagon jumpers. That is not to say that Sox fans are not true baseball fans (aside from the whole DH thing, but that's another story).
by spaghetti cormorant October 23, 2009
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an insult in reference to the Chicago White Sox, the shittier baseball team whose goddamn park, U.S. Cellular Field, is nothing but a giant advertisement. The Cubs have better players, a better park in Wrigley Field, and much better fans (with the exception of Steve Bartman
Man Fuck the white sux! The Cubs can kick their ass any day! And no, Wrigley Field is NOT a gay bar!
by spaghetti cormorant April 9, 2007
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A shitty ballpark on the south side of chicago that lives up to its name: Never Sells Out. Home of the Chicago White Sux, the shittier of the chicago teams. Note that it's the Chicago Cubs that get 3 million fans a year at home games, because they're so much better than the sux.

Famed for being the world's largest ghetto

a place where no one gives a flying fuck about baseball because they're all just trying to survive a sux game.
U.S. Never-Cell-Out Field: Where there are more drive-by's than line drives!
by spaghetti cormorant September 3, 2008
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