2 definitions by sneakdissiowa

The definition of fake bitches. This school is located in Wilton, Iowa and has maybe 400 students if they are lucky. They are amazing at sports, but terrible at teaching math. If you are a female, one, don’t come here because you will have sex with every guy you meet before you even make friends. Two, once you are sucked into the fake, you can’t get out. Trust me. Also if you want to get snitched on for juuling in the bathroom by people who get drunk at previous graduates parties, come here. Great place.
Student: When will our tests be in?

Math Teacher: I fell asleep driving and little Johnny did not go to bed until 1AM this morning.

Student: So... When will they be in?
Math Teacher: Oh, when i do the answer key.

Student: You don’t have it fucking done? Fuck Wilton High School.
by sneakdissiowa May 17, 2019
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A town full of rich old people, pot-head teenagers, and nasty 24/7 pajama wearing, piss scented, crackhead raised kids. The only things to do in this town is play at the park, go swimming at the pool, or cause drama because every girl in Wilton is a fake bitch. Wilton High School is very good at sports, and everyone has a juul. Probably the teachers, too. If the town was bigger than a mile wide and two miles long, it would be a good town.
Banker From 10 Miles Away: Can I get your city name?
Wilton, Iowa Dude: Yeah, Wilton.

Guy 10 Miles Away: What the fuck is a Wilton? Is that in Illinois?
Wilton, Iowa Dude: Fuck no.
by sneakdissiowa May 17, 2019
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