2 definitions by smokey-skies

A word used when teens performing inappropriate behavior try to deflect the blame onto someone who reported the behavior as a 'tattletale'.
Student 1: You snitched on me!
Student 2: You were distracting my team as we tried to work.
Student 1: Snitches get stitches!
by smokey-skies February 10, 2022
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Either a shitty attempt at being a mocking homophobe or someone who needs to touch some fucking grass.
Person 1: Hey, can I tell you something?
Person 2: Yeah what?
Person 1: I'm plantsexual.
Person 2: Are you fucking kidding me? What type of person shoves a fucking cactus up your ass? Adios, we are no longer friends.
by smokey-skies March 19, 2022
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