6 definitions by sjdvs1776

Riding another person like a bull in a bathroom stall. Originated on Tik Tok
During semesters we’re doing a bathroom rodeo want to come?
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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Performing a “flawlessu turn almost always at high speeds
Person 1: He’s going the wrong way
Person 2: oh he just said he was whipping a uey
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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To saddle up a horse and ride into a public area as a prank/activity

Originated in Iowa
He’s Big and Riching the School for the senior prank
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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A kid (usually high schooler) who thinks he’s country but lives in town. If he drives a truck he drives an eco v6 his daddy/step daddy bought him. Most likely dies his hair. Dates hoes. Doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This Austin is found in rural states so he try’s to be friends with country folk but people hate him
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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Slang from Iowa meaning to go on a Coyote hunt
Hey bud let’s go get some corn and go on a Yote Raid
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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Slang coming from Iowa meaning doing donuts in your local high school’s parking lot
Want to go do some donies?
by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020
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