1 definition by sindri

Iceland vs. Canada?? god help you. As one higly ranked officer on the u.n.army base in Keflavik said: "We, and the rest of the world should be thankful that this nation does not have an army and is peaceful, because specially trained navy-seal go partying downtown Reykjavik,and if they have an attitude towards the locals and go looking for a fight, they get beaten up by teenagers!! The vikings are alive but peaceful, but don´t give a drunk one a attitude, because they don´t know what it means to run away and don´t care about getting hurt, they just go berserk (another word for viking). It´s a matter of pride for them, imprinted in their genes. An army of Iceland would be without a dought the best fighting force of the planet, but as the acient warriors, they understand that fighting and violence is not the way to live. But when they drink all that can be easily forgotten, and they do drink alot.
Just look at the cod-wars. Icelandic coastguard-ship going head on in a game of chicken with huge british warships, and simply dare-ing them to use their guns. And of course the Icelanders never backed, never gave up, and won these "peaceful"-wars three times in a row!"
....so Canada? Don´t mess with what you know nothing of, ´cause you might hurt yourself in the progress.
Iceland : named the land of ice so people in overcrowded cities of Europe wouldn´t flock out there. Some say the best kept secret of the world.
Greenland: named so to attract people in Iceland to move there, but it didn´t work but the name stuck.
by sindri October 2, 2006
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