3 definitions by simoneasaursrex


that dangly thing in the back of your neck.
gag reflix.
Jill: I must press my uvula to be a skinnier person.
by simoneasaursrex June 20, 2011
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Toy Story 3

a story about true love and finding out who you're true friends are.
winner of the 2010 Oh-My-God-Tears-Are-Crying Award.
John: Did you see Toy Story 3?
Jill: Yeah, then I ate three gallons of ice cream and cried on the couch for three hours.
John: I had the same reaction.
by simoneasaursrex June 20, 2011
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a television show that only homosexuals and fat poeple watch.
John watches glee, John is gay.
Emma watches glee, Emma weighs 600 pounds.
by simoneasaursrex June 20, 2011
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