2 definitions by shreks.hairy.ballsack

HOTTEST MAN ALIVE ❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️👄❤️
by shreks.hairy.ballsack November 11, 2020
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Toxic little boys who think its sooooooo sexy to sexual harass girls. They like to call everyone in sight gay, but they say there not homophobic. They usually get into 2 day long relationships. And for some odd reason think it's cool to jump and touch the top of the door frame. There horny little shits. They constantly talk about jerking off, they always have boners, and they try to hide them with notebooks or binders. Don't forget that they put an unnecessary amount of body spray on.
OMG! Middle school boys are so gross, they have cooties!
by shreks.hairy.ballsack May 28, 2020
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