4 definitions by sheramil

Opposite of benefactor. Someone who, or something that actively makes your life worse.
"My supervisor is turning into a detrifactor. I have to bribe him to get shifts."
by sheramil October 8, 2017
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Chinese word meaning "close enough". Attaching a wheel to a car and you only have two bolts? Close enough. Not enough insulated cable to finish the job? Use coat hangers, close enough. Run out of flour for the bread? Plenty of sawdust, close enough.

This manufacturing philosophy might explain why so many things in China explode.. even roads and bridge supports.
"We ran out of hard drives, so we shipped house bricks instead. Chabuduo."
by sheramil November 11, 2016
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The leader of the expedition; the white guy with the pith helmet being followed by the native bearers carrying stuff. The term derives from a song by Frank Zappa about a guy with a big dick.
thinks he's Bwana Dik since he made sergeant
by sheramil July 1, 2016
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