2 definitions by sfvdszvfewasdzv
it's the best song of da world, and it means Three Stripes in Russian language, and is mostly danced on by east-Slavs. the name Three Stripes also is used for the brand adidas.
You Rushki?
Tak man! Vodka! let's dance ze Tri Poloski!
WHAT YUO F***ING SLAV!!! I only talk to REAL RUSSIANS!!!
Tak means Yes in Russian
Tak man! Vodka! let's dance ze Tri Poloski!
WHAT YUO F***ING SLAV!!! I only talk to REAL RUSSIANS!!!
Tak means Yes in Russian
by sfvdszvfewasdzv February 8, 2018
this tank is one of the biggest tanks ever build, it is pure German engeneering work, yet there only is a prototype and it was not mass-produced.
what are you going to use against the Red Army , Fuhrer ?
make a tank so big, none can hijack it, armour thick as a wall, and a bigass gun
that's how the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was made
make a tank so big, none can hijack it, armour thick as a wall, and a bigass gun
that's how the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was made
by sfvdszvfewasdzv March 7, 2018