18 definitions by secretuser420

A girl you relate to as if she's your girlfriend but you aren't having sex with. Can be a friend's girlfriend, a close friend, a roommate, etc. Often results in sex. Sometimes you deny each other sex since its immoral or taboo (c.f. friend's girlfriend "no sex girlfriend"). Other times it's just because one of you isn't into the other or it's mutually platonic but just kind of creepy how much you act like you're banging. Can be abbreviated using the acronym NSGF.
"Man, you should really watch out with her, you guys are acting like boyfriend and girlfriend"
"I know, she's my 'no sex girlfriend', wish we were doing it."
by secretuser420 February 21, 2018
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Condition caused by COVID-19 where one voids their bowels and stomach simultaneously.

See also: Covide (Fr)
"Dude, I had such a rough time when I got covid. I had diarrhea and was puking my guts out into a steel mixing bowl while on the can at the same time!"
"Yeah, you had covoid!"
by secretuser420 May 8, 2022
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A seductive pregnant woman, potentially soon-to-be yummy mummy.
She was a femme fœtale, if I'd ever seen one. Smoking hot, neo-noir — hold the cigarette, and a whiz with a .38. A real Mohini!
by secretuser420 November 23, 2021
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Someone who you coauthor with who has a marginalized gender identity or sexual orientation (e.g. LGBT2Q+), in order to credibly discuss issues of gender as a cishet person. Could equally apply to people of marginalized racial identities (see race beard).
That guy only writes with so-and-so so he can talk about queer topics without being attacked, and get into those progressive journals! I would go as far to say he's using them as a queer beard...
by secretuser420 April 8, 2020
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A Freudian slip made by inadvertently texting someone what you unconsciously meant, and then saying it was autocorrected text (even when it's super implausible that it autocorrected to that).
/SMS dialogue/
gf: I feel rough af, think i'm getting sick
bf: Take some penis, it'll make you feel better

bf: Echinacea*. Damn Freudian autocorrect.
gf: ahaha. there is no way it autocorrected to that
bf: it Freudian autocorrected
by secretuser420 December 5, 2022
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Slang for psychologist, usually used among self-deprecating men who undergo therapy.
I saw my gynecologist today. He's my therapist... Because I'm a big pussy.
by secretuser420 February 28, 2023
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Someone who you coauthor with who has a marginalized racial identity (e.g. BIPoC), in order to credibly discuss race issues as a white person. Could equally apply to people of marginalized gender identity or sexual orientation (see queer beard).
That guy only writes with so-and-so so he can talk about racy topics without being attacked, and get into those progressive journals! I would go as far to say he's using them as a race beard...
by secretuser420 April 2, 2020
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