9 definitions by sangajin

The phrase you dread seeing most in the summer holidays when you go into town for uniform shopping. Why on earth should stores torture you with a reminder that schools just a few weeks away?
I went into Pound Stretcher and saw what i dreaded most, signs saying 'Back to School'.
by sangajin August 13, 2007
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To play card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh or WOW.
Lad 1: Wanna play Yu-Gi-Oh?
Lad 2: Yes, lets give it the Cardage.
by sangajin March 10, 2008
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The minute of leetness derives from the word 1337(leet). It happens every day when the clock reads 13:37 at which point you can do what the hell you like whether at work or any where else.
It's 13:37, the minute of leetness, now we can take a break for minute and slack off!
by sangajin May 17, 2007
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A blantant rip-off of pokemon. Despite what people about it being made before pokemon, thats false. The pokemon games were released in Japan before the first digimon episode aired, peple only think about the first episode of digimon being aired before the first ep of pokemon, that is true, but really, pokemon started first which does in fact, make digimon a crappy rip-off of pokemon.
the pokemon game was out before digimon tv series for those who it was the other way round.
by sangajin August 16, 2007
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(Verb) To fap - another word for Wank
(Noun) - Describes the sound made when wanking, fap,fap,fap
Lee loves to fap over female sangheili hentai.
by sangajin January 16, 2008
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The jackets which the scum of the earth wear. There arew different varieties;
Tog 24
Mera peek
Look at the charver over there with his charver armour on.
by sangajin March 22, 2007
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A spraff is a deragotory term for someone who talks to someone just for one thing, usually money or some form of drug.
Oh, look here's John the spraff, i bet he's here spraffing for dope again.
by sangajin May 7, 2007
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