5 definitions by ryhlyh

Definition 1: The act of furiously smashing your erect penis to the point of ejaculation.

Definition 2: Someone who is being an ass.
Obama performed a dick smack for the viewing pleasure of bin Laden.

Trump is a dick smack because he wants to build a wall.
by ryhlyh March 13, 2017
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Mexican fast food restaurant that makes you shit your drawers because it's Mexican.
Billy: Hey dad! Can we go to Taco Bell!?
Dad: No son. Because I am not going to clean your shit up again.
by ryhlyh March 10, 2017
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Not to be confused with Austin Powers or Shrek.

Guy with a white as the KKK mask and boiler suit who kills horny teens and hospital workers with a kitchen knife. Also, he's smarter and more resilient than anyone else, and could dominate that fat fuck Jason Vorhees.
Laurie: Was that the Bogeyman?
Busta Ryhmes: No, slut! That was fuckin' Michael Myers!
by ryhlyh February 25, 2017
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A fat, sweaty hog who is insecure about the way it looks.
*Guy smiles at fat woman*
Feminist: Ew! Quit staring at me you misogynist womanizer! *scoff!*
by ryhlyh December 11, 2016
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